Supporting Our Communities

Wiatel takes great pride in being a member of the communities we serve. In keeping with our long history of community involvement, we are proud to support education through our $1500 Educational Awards in each of the school districts we serve.  We support community projects, in conjunction with Aureon, through charity grants, and each year we donate funds to all our member Fire and Rescue Squads for volunteer training, and to Plymouth, Monona and Woodbury County Fairs.

Educational Awards

Seniors in high school whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have WIATEL service(s) may apply to their high school guidance counselor to be considered for one of our scholarships. We give 1 $1500 scholarship each year at each of the following schools: Lawton-Bronson, Woodbury-Central, Westwood, West Monona, Maple Valley, and Kingsley-Pierson. Ask your high school guidance counselor for the application, or click below.

Scholarship App PDF

Wiatel/Aureon Charity Grants

Public and private non-profit agencies are invited to submit proposals for consideration in assisting in your charity drives and/or funding of a specific project for your respective communities. You can either submit the application online by clicking on the Grant Application Online button below, or you can mail in your application by clicking on the Grant Application PDF button below.  The grants are given out quarterly.  Applications deadlines are December 31, March 31, June 30 & September 30.

Grant Application Online

Grant Application PDF